How to auto apply tiered discounts based on customer’s spending

Smart Coupons provide a powerful, “all-in-one” solution for gift cards, store credits, discount coupons, and vouchers, extending the core functionality of WooCommerce coupons.

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to auto apply tiered discounts based on customer’s spending within your WooCommerce store.

Steps to configure

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1. Create three coupons

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To begin, you’ll need to create the three coupons with specific discount values and settings:

  1. Navigate to your WordPress Admin Panel.
  2. Go to Marketing > Coupons and click Add Coupon to create the first coupon.
  3. Enter the Coupon Name (e.g., “20percent”) and set the Discount Type to Percentage Discount.
  4. In the Coupon Amount field, enter the discount value. For coupon “20percent”, set the amount to 20.
  5. Check the box for Auto Apply so the coupon will be automatically applied when its conditions are met. For auto apply you can refer to the documentation here.
  6. In the Usage restriction tab:
    1. Set the Minimum Spend equal to the Coupon Amount (in this case, 20).
    2. Check the box for Individual Use Only to ensure that only one coupon is applied at a time.
  7. Save and Publish the coupon.

2. Repeat for additional coupons

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Repeat the steps above to create the additional two coupons:

  1. Coupon “30percent” with a percentage discount of 30 and a minimum spend of 30.
  2. Coupon “40percent” with a percentage discount of 40 and a minimum spend of 40.

Make sure the Auto Apply and Usage restriction settings (Minimum spend and Individual Use Only) are configured the same way for each coupon.

3. How auto apply works with tiered coupons

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Since all three coupons have the Auto Apply option enabled, WooCommerce will automatically apply the first coupon whose conditions are met by the cart total. Here’s how the system will behave based on the customer’s cart total:

  • If the cart total is exactly $20, the “20percent” coupon will auto-apply.
  • If the cart total is exactly $30, the “30percent” coupon will auto-apply.
  • If the cart total is exactly $40, the “40percent” coupon will auto-apply.

Note: Since Individual Use Only is enabled, only one coupon will be applied at a time, ensuring that no stacking of these tiered discounts occurs.

By following these steps, you can set up tiered, auto-applied coupons that adjust based on the customer’s cart value, offering a seamless and engaging discount experience for your customers.

That’s it.