
Thank you for choosing Blooms and WooCommerce to power your E-Commerce store.


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The fastest way to install Blooms is through the WordPress administration dashboard.

  1. Go toAppearance > Themes > Add New > Upload Theme
  2. Upload the file you have downloaded from
  3. Activate as you would any other WordPress theme then proceed with the Setup and Configuration.

To install Blooms manually:

  1. Download the latest version of Blooms from
  2. Upload the extracted folder to the /wp-content/themes/ dir on your server via FTP.
  3. Activate Blooms from the Appearance > Themes screen in your dashboard.

More info at Using Themes.

Setup And Configuration

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Before proceeding with the installation process, please make sure that WooCommerce is installed.

After activating your theme, please navigate to Appearance > Blooms.

Afterward, please click on the Demo Content Import tab. Please follow the steps to import your demo content.


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Your customization settings are within Appearance > Customize > Blooms.


Logo & Favicon

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You can change your logo from within Appearance > Customize > Site Identity.


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There are 2 menu areas on Blooms. You can assign your menus from Appearance > Menus.

  1. Primary Menu: Next to logo and inside mobile menu
  2. Secondary menu: Located inside mobile menu.

Shop Filters & Sidebar

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The shop sidebar uses widgets assigned to the Shop Sidebar within Appearance > Widgets.


Customizing the Blog Page

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You can select which categories to show on blog archive pages from Appearance > Customize > Blooms > Blog.



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Your footer is divided into columns. The number of columns can be adjusted from Appearance > Customize > Blooms > Footer.


Each column gets its content from the same Footer Sidebars within Appearance > Widgets.


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Sub-Footer can be toggled and its content modified from Appearance  > Customize > Blooms > Sub-Footer.


Social Sharing in Blog Posts and Products

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Social sharing in Wild Sports uses the JetPack plugin’s sharing features which can be configured from the below screen:

Thank you for using Premium WooCommerce Themes and Premium Shopify Themes by Fuel Themes.