Sidebar Manager to WooSidebars Converter


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The “Sidebar Manager to WooSidebars Converter” plugin can be used to transport sidebars created in the WooFramework’s Sidebar Manager to be used with WooSidebars.


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The “Sidebar Manager to WooSidebars Converter” plugin is available for free download directly through WooDojo. Simply click “Download & Activate” on the appropriate box in WooDojo, and the plugin will be downloaded and activated.


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The plugin adds a “Convert Sidebars” menu item to the “Tools” section of your WordPress admin. Clicking this link will open up the converter.

Before it does anything, the plugin checks if your have data from the Sidebar Manager available. If not, you’re all clear to deactivate the plugin.

If you have Sidebar Manager data available, the converter plugin will add a “Convert Sidebar Manager Data” button. Clicking this button will attempt to convert all your Sidebar Manager sidebars over to WooSidebars and preserve all the conditions for replacement. This button’s action doesn’t remove any of your Sidebar Manager data.

If a sidebar didn’t convert properly, it will be listed in a notice once the conversion process has taken place. At this point, you could either create the sidebar manually within WooSidebars, ensuring that the sidebar’s slug is preserved. Please contact our support desk for further assistance, if you are stuck on this step.

Once you feel comfortable that your sidebars have converted successfully, you can use the “Remove Sidebar Manager Data” option to remove all data from the Sidebar Manager in the WooFramework. This is a permanent process and cannot be undone.

We’d recommend using the “Backup Settings” tool in the WooFramework to backup your Sidebar Manager data before removing it, just in case you require it in the future or need to restore it to compare to your WooSidebars data.

To recap, the steps are:

  1. Use the “Backup Settings” screen in the WooFramework to backup your Sidebar Manager settings.
  2. Visit the Tools > Convert Sidebars screen.
  3. Click the “Convert Sidebar Manager Data” button.
  4. Once done, visit the Appearance > Widgets screen to ensure that your widget areas are still intact.
  5. If satisfied, click the “Remove Sidebar Manager Data” link (this cannot be undone without a backup).