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Custom Order Status for WooCommerce

Improve your order management by creating additional order statuses. Manually or automatically assign order statuses and keep your customer informed with automatic email notifications.

Efficiently Manage Your Orders

The Custom Order Status extension enables you to create additional order statuses to better manage your order processing. Manually assign new order statuses or create automation rules to automatically change order statuses based on various conditions like order amount, quantity, user role, product, date, and more.

WooCommerce comes with eight standard order statuses (on-hold, pending, etc.). They do not cover all the situations businesses encounter. With Custom Order Status, you can create additional order statuses that better represent your business. You can add items like manufacturing, packaging, printing, shipping, etc.

Instead of manually adding new statuses, you can bulk import and export statuses using a CSV file. Automatically assign new statuses or manually assign them from the Order-Detail page or by using bulk actions from the Orders-Listing page.

Custom Order Status allows you to keep your customers and store admin informed about status changes using Advanced Email Notification rules.


  • Create multiple custom order statuses
  • Add text or icon-based custom order statuses
  • Manually or automatically assign order statuses
  • Manually change order statuses from
    • Default Order List
    • Order Detail page
  • Automatically change order statuses based on
    • Current order status
    • Time intervals
    • Order quantity ranges
    • Order amount ranges
    • Products and or categories in order
    • Order billing and shipping country locations
    • User roles
    • Order creation date ranges
  • Import or export to custom order statuses
  • Notify customers and admins about status changes
  • Show or hide custom order statuses from customers
  • Customize Cronjob to include seamless executive automation rules

Create multiple custom order statuses

With this WooCommerce Order Status Manager, you can create multiple text and icon-based order statuses to improve your order management process.

When you create new order statuses, you can customize the following options:

  • Add a status title, slug, and description for internal use
  • Add a text or icon-based order status
  • Customize icons, texts, and background colors
  • Allow users to cancel orders with a designated status
  • Show a payment status (paid, requires payment, or not)
  • Include in bulk actions and hide from customers (My Account)
  • Ability to exclude orders with a designated status from reports

Automatically assign custom statuses

With Order Statuses Manager, you can automatically assign custom statuses to orders based on various conditions. You can create multiple automation rules to assign different statuses to different orders based on various conditions like user roles, order amounts, quantities, and more.

When you create new automation rules you can customize the following options:

  • Order Status—Select the current order status and new statuses to assign
  • Condition—Only the orders matching current statuses will change to new statuses based on the following conditions:
    • Time Interval—Time passed since placing the order; define the amount of time in minutes, hours, and days before new statuses will be assigned
    • Order Quantity—Minimum and maximum order quantity ranges to change statuses
    • Order Amount—Minimum and maximum order amount ranges to change statuses
    • Products/Categories—The order includes specific products or categories
    • Countries—The order belongs to a specific billing or shipping country
    • User Roles—The customers linked to the order have a specific user role
    • Order Date—The order creation date falls within a defined range
  • Email Notifications—You can disable email notifications for customers and admins

Manually assign custom statuses

Depending on your business requirements, you can manually assign custom order statuses just like the standard order statuses. That is, from the admin Order-Detail page or using bulk actions from the standard WooCommerce order list.

Setup email notifications

Custom Order Statuses comes with an advanced email notification system that allows you to create multiple notification rules for different order status changes. Instead of notifying admin and customers for each change, you can notify when there is an important change that customer must be aware of.

When you create new email notification rules, you can customize:

  • Rule titles and descriptions for internal use
  • Email subjects, headings, and description
  • Send emails to admins or customers
  • Select current and new statuses to trigger emails

Note: You can customize status email templates like any other standard WooCommerce email from WooCommerce > Settings > Emails.

Import or export custom statuses

Instead of adding new statuses individually, you can bulk import and export them using a CSV file. Once the import is complete you can assign custom statuses to orders manually or using automation rules.


Minimum PHP version: 5.2


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