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Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews Integration for WooCommerce

Integrates Google Customer Reviews survey opt-in & reviews badge allowing you to collect seller ratings after checkout.

Integrates Google Merchant Center's Google Customer Reviews Opt-In Survey and Reviews Badge with your WooCommerce store.

Integrate with Google Merchant Center Google Customer Reviews Program & display the Customer Reviews Badge in your WooCommerce store.

  • The Google Customer Reviews badge is a useful tool for letting your users know what others think of their experiences on your site. By adding the badge to your website, you can lead to higher levels of engagement and bringing in more qualified shoppers to your site.
  • Google will display your Seller Rating in search and shopping ads.
  • Save time! No coding required to integrate your WooCommerce store with Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews.
  • Easy setup! Enter your Google Merchant ID and begin displaying the Google Reviews Badge on your site, and the Opt-In Survey pop-up on the Thank You page (immediately after checkout), and start collecting valuable reviews. Get a free Google Merchant ID here.

How does the Google Customer Reviews Program generate reviews?

Step 1: Customer Reviews Opt-In Survey Pop-up

Your shoppers will see this Customer Reviews Opt-In Window immediately after Checkout. In this pop-up Google asks for permission to send a one-minute survey to collect feedback on the shopping experience.

Google Customer Reviews Optin Window
Your shoppers will see this Customer Reviews Opt-In Window immediately after Checkout.

Once your customers agree by clicking «Yes» they will see a confirmation of their opting in.

Opt-In Survey Confirmation
Customer Reviews Opt-In Survey Confirmation


Step 2: Your customers will then receive an email from the Google Customer Reviews Program

This email will ask your customer to review their shopping experience.

Email from Google Customer Reviews Program asking for review of shopping experience.
Google Customer Reviews Program will send an email to your customers asking them to review their shopping experience.


Step 3: Customers will be able to rate their experience and leave a review

Google Customer Reviews program allows users to leave a review about their shopping experience.
Your customers will be able to rate their experience and write a review.


Google Customer Reviews program review confirmation page.
Once your customer leaves a review, they will see a confirmation page and the process will be complete.


How to Display your Google Seller Rating and your Site’s Reviews

Google Customer Reviews Ratings Badge – DESKTOP

Google Customer Reviews Badge
The Customer Reviews Badge shows your seller rating and it is linked to a Google page where all the reviews are displayed.

Google Customer Reviews Ratings Badge –  MOBILE

Display mobile badge for Google Customer Reviews

Clicking on the Google Customer Reviews Badge will Display the Reviews

Google Customer Reviews collected by Google and displayed on a Google url
All reviews collected by the Google Customer Reviews program are displayed in a unique URL provided by Google.


Here are some customer sites that show ratings and reviews using this extension:

Other ways to Display your Google Customer Reviews Badge on your Website

Add Badge Anywhere Via Shortcodes, Widgets or Menus

google merchant center badge shortcode
Add Badge Shortcode Anywhere via Gutenberg Editor
add google merchant center badge via menu
Add Light or Dark Background Badge via Appearance > Menu

Light and Dark background Google Customer Reviews Badges.

Google Merchant Center light Background Badge
Light Background Vanity Badge
add google merchant center badge via menu
Dark Background Vanity Badge

Get GTIN Data from Your Products from Different Sources

GTIN data google merchant center customer reviews
Get GTIN from Custom Fields, or Google Product Feed plugin, or have the plugin Add a custom GTIN field in your products.

Customer Reviews Extension Settings

Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews extension
The Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews plugin settings are simple and easy to use.


Activate Google Customer Reviews in your Google Merchant Center account.

In order to use Google Customer Reviews, you’ll need to enable it in your Google Merchant Center account.

  1. Access your Merchant Center account by logging in.
  2. To make sure that your Merchant Center account is fully functional, ensure that it has been verified and claimed.
  3. From the left menu on the page, select «Growth.»
  4. To access the program management page, click on the «Manage programs» link.
  5. Locate the Customer Reviews card on the page.
  6. To sign up, click on the «Enable» button.

More about about Google Customer Reviews here. Once you create your Google Merchant Center account, you can proceed to enable the Customer Reviews program:

Google Customer Reviews Program
Enable the Customer Reviews Program

Track your Reviews in Google Merchant Center

In order to use Google Customer Reviews, you’ll need to enable it in your Google Merchant Center account.

Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews dashboard


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