Hello WooCommerce 2.0!

In my memory, it seems like yesterday when we decided that our next release would be a major release. Instead of releasing version 1.7 with just new features, we decided to rewrite a large part of our code that we always wanted to change and go for a 2.0 (code name: Daring Dassie) release. Today is the day that marks the start of a new era for WooCommerce.

WooCommerce 2.0 is here (now available via WordPress.org) and it is a major release. We have rewritten large parts of our code base, we have added new features and have made it better capable to handle everything you need for your online store.

Sucuri audited and approved

↑ Revenir en haut

Security is very important for all websites and especially for online shops. That’s why we’ve been working with Sucuri on the road to WooCommerce 2.0, where they have audited our code and said this about our plugin:

Sucuri security assessment: “The code in the WooCommerce plugin was noticeably built with security in mind. It appears obvious to the review team that there was significant effort placed in building a clean and efficient plugin.”

As developers we can not get better feedback on our work and for you as a user it will give peace of mind to know that the code running your website is actually safe.

Before you update to WooCommerce 2.0

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Before you update your live website to WooCommerce 2.0, please use a test environment for all your testing. You can use the test environment as a sandbox to simulate the update and make sure your website will continue to work after you update it to WooCommerce 2.0.

We know you all are eager to start using this new version, but this is a big update, so please take your time and make sure that you prepare your website properly. Also be sure to check out our WooCommerce 2.0 Update Process.

IMPORTANT: Once you run the updater wizard to convert your data to WooCommerce 2.0, there is no undo. The data will be changed in such a way that there is no way back. The only way you can get the ‘old’ data back is by restoring a backup. This stresses the importance of having a backup strategy and testing everything on a test environment before touching your live website. It is not that we don’t want to restore the data, it is because we can’t.

Stuff store managers will love

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As a store manager you will live in the backend of your online store and we’ve been going above and beyond to make it a better experience for you there. We’ve added a bunch of new features and also improved existing features:

The product data panel has been redesigned in WooCommerce 2.0
  • Better stock handling – We have added an option to hold stock for unpaid orders (defaults to 60mins). When this time limit is reached, and the order is not paid for, stock is released and the order is cancelled.
  • Easier email template editing – You can now edit each individual transactional email from the dashboard and easily move template files to your theme for more detailed editing.
  • Improved tax options and new input panel – It has never been this easy to setup complicated tax options.
  • Multi download support – Products can now have multiple downloadable files attached to them – purchasers will get access to all the files added.
  • New order screens – Order pages have had a cleanup, with a more easily scannable interface. We particularly like the new status icons!
  • New product panel – We have revised the product data panel making it cleaner, more streamlined, and more logical. Adding products is a breeze!

Stuff customers will love

↑ Revenir en haut
Real time checkout validation

Of course you want your customers to love your online shop. Most magic for customers will happen in a theme, but we’ve made a couple small changes that will make a big difference on the frontend:

  • Improved pagination & sorting – Numbered pagination has been added to core, and we show the number of results found above the listings. Customers can now also sort products by popularity and ratings.
  • Star ratings in archives – We have added star ratings to the catalog which are pulled from reviews.
  • Realtime checkout validation – To improve the checkout process, there is now visual feedback as to whether the customer has input valid (or invalid) data into each input field. If you’re using a theme which disables the WooCommerce Stylesheet, you can easily add it yourself with some basic CSS.
  • Quicklinks to cart when adding products via AJAX – When using the AJAX add to cart feature, users are now presented with a link to the cart immediately after clicking the ‘Add to cart’ button.

Stuff for developers

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We have a huge pool of developers working with WooCommerce every single day and we are developers ourselves. That’s why we’ve been working hard to make WooCommerce 2.0 even better suited for developers, next to everything we’ve pushed in for our users.

Under the hood
There are a couple real big stores running WooCommerce (including our own website), where performance is hot on the agenda. That’s why we’ve made these improvements:

  • Session handling – PHP SESSIONS have been a problem for many users in the past, so we’ve developed our own handler using cookies and options to make these more reliable.
  • Improved line-item storage – We have changed how order items get stored making them easier (and faster) to access for reporting. Order items are no longer serialised within an order – they are stored within their own table.
  • Autoload – We have setup autoloading for classes – this has dramatically reduced memory usage in 2.0.
  • Localization – Not only have we added a lot more translations bundled with the plugin, we have also split up the translation files to make them more memory efficient.

To make templates and themes easier to use and also benefit of new techniques and tools, we’ve been improving the way our frontend works:

Fancybox is replaced with prettyPhoto
  • Retina-ready – Inline with the WordPress 3.5 update, all graphics within WC have been optimised for HiDPI displays.
  • All round template & hook tidy-up – To further improve customisability we’ve added new templates, such as loop start & end to change product listing markup and have also separated the user account panel so you can safely edit individual sections. Redundant hooks have been removed as we move towards making the template structure more user-friendly.
  • CSS overhaul – To help reduce potential class conflicts with other plugins and themes, all WooCommerce markup (including shortcodes) is now wrapped in a parent ‘.woocommerce’ or ‘.woocommerce-page’ class. In addition, all WooCommerce classes themselves have been standardised to use the ‘.woocommerce-’ naming convention.
  • Product tabs rewritten – Product tabs are now filterable which makes adding new tabs and removing current ones more convenient.
  • Fancybox replaced with prettyPhoto – Prettyphoto brings some new features such as thumbnail navigation in product galleries, as well as a more powerful API for developers to use when building extensions. PrettyPhoto is also the lightbox script of choice in our themes so will improve efficiency when using WooCommerce with a WooTheme.
  • Cache friendly cart widgets – Cart widgets and other « fragments » are now pulled in via AJAX – this works wonders with static page caching.

The backend is where most of our magic happens and we’ve done a couple real big changes there that make the life of a developer easier and with more options:

  • New product classes – The new product classes and the product factory make it much easier to create custom products and types. For example our Subscriptions extension is already using it right now, giving you all new options that weren’t possible before.
  • API improvements – Not only have we improved our API functions, we have also made them easier to work with and much more memory efficient.
  • Capability overhaul – More granular capabilities for admin/shop manager roles covering products, orders and coupons.

Compatibility with our themes and extensions

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We have worked hard to ensure all our themes and extensions work with WooCommerce 2.0. Once you start testing this update (please read the above paragraphs about preparing your installation), make sure you have the latest versions of all your WooThemes products. Check the My Account view on qphmycoi.top and be sure to use the WooThemes Updater plugin to get the updates for our products right in your administration panel.

Found a bug? Need help?

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As I’ve mentioned before, WooCommerce 2.0 is a real big update. If you think you’ve found a bug, please report it back to us. Although we have been doing extensive testing on WooCommerce 2.0 before releasing it, please report everything you think is a bug.

Think it is a bug in the WooCommerce plugin? Make it an issue in our GitHub issue tracker. If you need any help with our premium extensions or themes, do drop us a line via our support portal. In case you just want to discuss something WooCommerce related, or have a great idea for our plugin, let us know via the public WooCommerce forums on WordPress.org.

Enjoy the future of WooCommerce!

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Daring Dassie, ready for launch

We are very excited about this new release and we truly believe that this pushes the WooCommerce plugin to the next level.

During the testing stages we’ve been getting some great feedback from the people testing, so we are very much looking forward to how you all like this new release.

We wish you all a lot of fun and sales with WooCommerce 2.0!

Discount Coupon

Grab any WooCommerce extension with a 25% discount coupon, valid until Midnight (UTC), Friday 8th March, 2013. Just use WC2LAUNCH as your coupon code on checkout. This coupon has now expired.

Coen Avatar



  1. Great work guys! Look forward to using this on a project I have just started.

    mars 4, 2013
    • Then move to V2.03. just arrived.

      mars 14, 2013
      • super wow tats funny

        avril 17, 2013
  2. Looks great! Congrats for your hard work!

    mars 4, 2013
  3. Awesome Work! Currently we are testing the new version on our test servers and everything looks great so far. Thx for your hard work!

    Best regards,

    mars 4, 2013
  4. What an awesome week this is gonna be! 🙂

    mars 4, 2013
  5. That’s really great! Just when I was writing a tutorial on Woocommerce for the Dutch market. Anyway, I’ll update my stuff to the new version. Keep up the good work!

    mars 4, 2013
  6. Congrats guys! We know this was a ton of effort.

    mars 4, 2013
  7. Thanks so much for all your hard work guys! Looking forward to playing with 2.0

    mars 4, 2013
  8. Well dang. I had just gotten comfortable with 1.6! Very elegant and easy to use ecommerce software. Look forward to looking under the hood of the upgrade.

    mars 4, 2013
    • We’re hoping 2.0 only makes it even easier to use, take it for a spin soon!

      Ryan Ray
      mars 4, 2013
  9. Wonderful news ! What about third-party extensions ? Did you check personnaly all of them (available on your website) ?

    Laurent Matignon
    mars 4, 2013
    • If the extension is for sale on this website, we have checked it and treated it as one of our own to make sure it is compatible with WooCommerce 2.0.

      Coen Jacobs
      mars 4, 2013
      • This is great news. Keep up the good work!

        mars 6, 2013
      • That’s what makes WooThemes so good. Attention to detail. It is obvious that you care deeply about the code and your customers.

        Thanks. I look forward to test WooCommerce 2.0 and deploying it for my clients.

        mars 7, 2013
  10. Good job!

    mars 4, 2013
  11. Awesome, awesome, awesome! Congratulations!

    mars 4, 2013
  12. I updated the software without testing and my store is broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please I need some support, your support link isnt working please help!!!!!!!!

    mars 4, 2013
    • Please define ‘my store is broke’, because this make it very hard for us to help you. In case you have product pages that end up being 404 errors, please save the Settings > Permalinks page without changing anything.

      If that is not the case, you can post this kind of questions in our public support forum: http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce or in case you are a WooThemes customer via our support portal: http://support.woothemes.com

      For everyone directly updating to WooCommerce 2.0.1 this will be fixed automatically during the update.

      Coen Jacobs
      mars 4, 2013
    • Me too! http://www.ninethingsblog.com/


      Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class WC_Widget_Cart in /home/sandrawattsup/ninethingsblog.com/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/classes/widgets/class-wc-widget-cart.php on line 123

      mars 4, 2013
      • Please use our support desk to submit a ticket, we can’t provide support via blog comments. 🙂 – http://support.woothemes.com/

        Ryan Ray
        mars 4, 2013
  13. My woocommerce.php page doesn’t work anymore ???

    Any suggestions ??

    mars 4, 2013
    • Just found my problem.. they added a new permalink structure that you MUST update!!! Hope that helps someone else!!

      mars 4, 2013
      • Correct, which is why we now have pushed out WooCommerce 2.0.1 and this update does that automatically for you. So if you are at version 2.0.0 please save the permalinks settings. If you are directly updating to version 2.0.1 from a 1.x version, this will be done automatically.

        Coen Jacobs
        mars 4, 2013
  14. Congrats on the launch!

    mars 4, 2013
  15. Where is the logout button?

    mars 4, 2013
    • Set up a page with [woocommerce_logout] on it. Set it up in the WooCommerce page settings as the ‘logout page’. Add that page to your menus where you want the « logout » option to appear. It’s more work than ticking a box to append it to the MyAccount menu, but means more people should be able to position it exactly where they want it.

      mars 4, 2013
      • Thanks, this worked for me 🙂

        mars 10, 2013
  16. Hi,

    Is there any documentation about what developers of external add-ons need to do to bring their add-ons up to date?


    David Anderson
    mars 4, 2013
    • Yup 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 4, 2013
  17. Reviews window has the text « undefined » at the bottom.

    mars 4, 2013
    • Bump.

      Seeing this in Hustle.

      mars 17, 2013
  18. Great! As a result, are you sunsetting any plugins? Can you confirm specifics? Seems like some plugins may no longer be necessary.

    mars 4, 2013
    • Not that I’m aware of, at the moment at least!

      Some extensions we have removed from our site, only for a re-write though, but they’ve not been retired.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 4, 2013
  19. any category product comparison on the roadmap? like compare all tablets.

    mars 4, 2013
    • There’s an extension for that. Grab it whilst the promo is running 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 4, 2013
      • na, this plugin is old and buggy..and does not really provide real comparison. the user has to add all products manually to the compare tables..that is so oscommerce 1999ies style… and not useful.

        mars 5, 2013
        • How else do you compare products, isn’t there some user input required to choose the products to compare?

          Ryan Ray
          mars 9, 2013
  20. Congratulations WooThemes!
    WooCommerce 2.0 is what we have waited for this early 2013.
    More jobs are coming as Affilated Woo Workers 🙂

    Puri WordPress
    mars 4, 2013
  21. Congrats !

    mars 4, 2013
  22. Lovely! I am so looking forward to work with the new 2.0.1! The promotional video made me wanna start my own webshop 🙂

    mars 4, 2013
  23. Many thanks, i’m following your blog now

    mars 4, 2013
  24. Brilliant, sounds like a lot has been going on. I will be giving it a test run in the next few days.

    mars 4, 2013
  25. Looks Amazing! Thank you all, ninjas 🙂

    Estella Vidal
    mars 4, 2013
  26. Compatibility with Gravity forms?

    mars 4, 2013
    • We have a Gravity Forms Extension available here for WooCommerce

      Stuart Duff
      mars 4, 2013
      • There still seems to be an issue with this add on. Everything seems ok but when the order is placed the options that were chosen are not shown in the emails or in the order in Woocommerce.

        mars 4, 2013
      • this plugin is not working with 2.0.1, are you sure this is compatible? I have this on a test site and its not adding products to the cart at all!

        mars 5, 2013
        • ditto, please address this

          mars 5, 2013
          • We have a support desk where we’re happy to address this and fix it. – http://support.woothemes.com/

            Ryan Ray
            mars 7, 2013
          • Has there been any progress with this? I too am using Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons on a test server and after updating to Woocommerce 2.2, my forms are not showing at all.

            On a side note, the Mystile theme is slightly funky.

            mars 10, 2013
  27. Looks and feels great! The upgrade was a breeze. Good job guys!

    mars 4, 2013
  28. Awesome job guys! It’s great to start week with this kind of happy news!

    mars 4, 2013
  29. yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh…….! 😉

    mars 4, 2013
  30. Tab manager doesn’t seem to work, is there an update I’m missing with 1.05?

    mars 4, 2013
    • bump

      mars 4, 2013
      • I found my issue: WooCommerce Video Product Tab is not compatible with woocommerce 2.0

        mars 4, 2013
    • Need an update or fix for tab manager…my clients website depends on these tabs and it no longer works at all.

      mars 14, 2013
  31. My wordpress site has gone down following the upgrade. I have trried removing woocommerce via ftp but to no avail. I am running a wootheme (whitelight -so I thought it would be compatible)

    Don’t tell me I have lost the old site !

    mars 4, 2013
  32. Great Update, with Woo 2.0.1 and W3 Total Cache can i use Disk:Enhanced?

    mars 4, 2013
  33. I need to upgrade both WordPress and my Woocommerce. Which should I upgrade first so as not to break anything, WordPress or woocommerce? I’m running previous releases of both.

    Thank you.

    mars 4, 2013
  34. nothing but congrats here guys!

    John Saddington
    mars 4, 2013
    • Cheers John !

      James Koster
      mars 4, 2013
  35. So far, mostly good.

    I’m using Canvas with WooCommerce and trying to modify the CSS for Product pages is a Pain. In. The. Ass. The client has an all black background website with white and grey text (yes, I know, but they insisted and they are the ones paying) and the woocommerce-tabs/woocommerce_tabs CSS (where the product description/additional info/reviews tabs are) isn’t editable unless you hunt down the proper CSS in the proper CSS file and modify it… Please fix this.

    Aside from that, I can’t find a way to add additional photos now – they have to be added to the product description. The « exclude this photo from gallery » checkbox is gone.

    mars 4, 2013
    • Adding product galleries in 2.0 is much easier. Take a look at the product gallery meta box on the add product page. Should be right next to the featured product image.

      James Koster
      mars 4, 2013
      • Ah hah! Thank you!

        Also found another place to « fix » the css, in the cart – lots of white background that I’m having to hunt down the coding for. Thank goodness for browser coding addons.

        mars 4, 2013
      • Hi James-

        I must be mistaken, but the product gallery meta box does not appear below the featured product image meta box. Is there something I did to turn it off?

        Please help!

        Thank you~

        mars 6, 2013
        • I got it. I just updated to 2.0.1.

          Thank you for the great product. I hope to be in touch when I’ve made some sales and some cash. 😉

          All the best-

          mars 6, 2013
    • Hi

      Hopefully we’ll be adding some videos to the support docs in the coming weeks, this one shows the Product Gallery


      mars 5, 2013
  36. Woocommerce 2 is telling me that Hustle doesnt declare compatibility with Woocommerce (odd). It’s also screwed up layout for product listings and has errors appearing everywhere 🙁

    mars 4, 2013
    • Same issue here. Lots of layout issues and now the site is not responding.

      mars 5, 2013
    • Hustle, at the time, wasn’t WooCommerce 2.0 ready. These are things you need to check on before hitting update.

      With a theme update now your site should be sorted out.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
  37. Update went kind of well, but I found some issues. At least on my site (fortunately only related to backend):
    – On some simple products the text has gone white in the product text area (post area). Making it hard to see unless I CTRL A the area.
    – I don’t see the new status icons on the order overview
    – The single order looks kind of weird. Like the order data is not using the entire screen (almost like I’m coming from a mobile device.
    – The single product doesn’t show the new Product Data tabs vertical, but still horisontal
    – Some products went missing. I hadn’t put in a specific price for all variation (because it defaulted to the standard price in WooCommerce 1.6), but because it didn’t have a price it just didn’t showed up.
    – The product gallery (in the backend still) on a product page has huge pictures and not usable

    This is my findings so far. I hope some of it is a plugin conflict or something. But I will investigate further tomorrow.

    mars 4, 2013
    • Please post in support 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 5, 2013
      • Clearing browser history really helped 🙂

        mars 8, 2013
  38. Can someone tell me how to fix this:

    Warning: uasort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/spectrab/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-template.php on line 792

    James Koster, every single support ticket I have submitted in the past 6 months has not been solved. I posted 2 in the past month and neither are solved. You guys always just say you will ask the developer then mark it solved, and I never hear anything again.

    I am quite happy to put up screenshots showing this if you like.

    Please don’t expect people to leave the succesful running of thier website to your support system.`

    mars 5, 2013
    • Deactivating the product enquiry plugin has fixed the /home/spectrab/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-template.php on line 792 but the product description is still displaying wrongly.

      No tabs are displaying at all basically.

      mars 5, 2013
    • Sorry you’ve had a less than satisfactory experience with our support, but I would encourage you to try again. We do not provide support via comments on a blog post.

      FYI the line of code your error mentions is part of our product tabs functionality which was rewritten in 2.0. I’m guessing you have a third party plugin which affects this functionality that hasn’t been prepared for 2.0. Or one of our extensions which you’ve not yet updated.

      James Koster
      mars 5, 2013
      • Hi,

        This error can be suppressed if folks set WP_DEBUG to off in the wpconfig.

        For the plugin, we were able to fix it in the woocommerce-template.php with


        mars 5, 2013
      • Yes I deactivated product enquiry tab (which customers use all the time btw) and updated the theme and the problems got fixed.

        On another site I have far worse problems, Simplicity seems not to work with WC2, there are JS errors through the dashboard, shipping doesnt work (Ive had to disable shipping as otherwise it says shipping is unavailable in your area, I believe this is a theme problem?), the list goes on.

        Sidebar widgets have disappeared and cant be dragged back into the sidebar.

        I wish to god you’d mentioned the fact that eway AU would no longer work with WC2.

        I think I’m going to just have to go back to backup.

        mars 6, 2013
        • eWay does work – in fact, if you check your account page you’ll see our eWay module now supports UK, NZ, and AU all in one. All of our own extensions have been checked for compatibility.

          mars 6, 2013
          • The eway gateway wouldn’t save as ‘enabled’. I repeatedly attempted to enable it and it repeatedly just refreshed the page with the gateway still not enabled.

            In any case I’m using fat zebra now – they implemented a fix.

            The JS errors were being caused I think by followup emails – I dont know why or how but the version had gone back to 1.0 (!) so I deleted and reinstalled.

            The products panel is still all over the place. Maybe it’s another plugin causing the display issue but I’m running out of steam lol

            I think a lot of problems were caused by plugins / theme not being the latest version. THe thing is, my dashboard was telling me everything was up to date, yet when I then checked the changelog at woo I saw this wasn’t the case. So had to very painfully replace them manually.

            mars 6, 2013
          • Also if anyone else has an issue with shipping – it’s because you need to specify a shipping class for each product. Previously if there was no shipping class specified it just used default.

            mars 6, 2013
    • So, this is blogging. Wow, who would have known?

      mars 29, 2013
  39. We will start updating stores now but it will take some time due to workload and the last site is expected to be updated in june when we have more time. Will it be possible to update from 1.6.6 to say 2.1 or even 2.5?

    mars 5, 2013
    • It’s always possible, but as with any software be aware the longer you leave it the more potential issues you will be exposing yourself to.

      James Koster
      mars 5, 2013
  40. Congrats to all the contributors that made this happen! WC 2 is an awesome improvement to the best e-commerce extension for WordPress

    mars 5, 2013
  41. I’m getting a double product description , anyway to resolve this ?

    mars 5, 2013
  42. Great Stuff 🙂

    mars 5, 2013
  43. I see that the post says « Cache friendly cart widgets » so that it caches better.

    Is there a preffered caching plugin that pretty much works out of the box? I did try Total Cache and it tarnished my website and broke the layout for some odd reason.

    mars 5, 2013
  44. I was just about ready to publish my site live with woocommerce and here you guys come out with a major update 😀

    Question: Im trying to use WC on a content store. The multiple files feature for virtual/downloadable products seems very interesting. Is it possible to upload files to an order AFTER that order has been placed and paid for? Or are these features only for digital producs like software/video that are ready to deliver at time of purchase?


    Asim Bawany
    mars 5, 2013
  45. Am I the only one having issues with the taxes? After the update all of my « taxes by county » got deleted. Now there’s a set tax rate on my check out page and I have no idea where its coming from. When I put more zipcodes in the « taxes by zip/postal code » section it gives two seperate taxes on my check out page. Please help! I’ve been frustrated with this all day

    mars 5, 2013
  46. Boom! Congratulations on a great release.

    I think the WC Product Factory will prove to be the single most important change in this release. It’s already made it possible for me to add a variable subscription feature to WC Subscriptions.

    Other developers can use it to create all sorts of new product types – auctions, bookings, something for crowdfunding.

    A very exciting future ahead for WC! 🙂

    mars 5, 2013
    • Variable subscriptions? When! :0

      mars 6, 2013
  47. Great news! We will test it in a safe environment and go into production after some tests. Woocommerce has been great already – looking forward to more awesomeness.

    Ostheimer Webdesign & SEO
    mars 5, 2013
  48. If you have your own custom theme, I found this document very helpful [Woo guys, you might even want to link to it in the post above?]
    Still missing from it – how to make my theme « Declare WooCommerce support » like the admin panel screams at me


    mars 5, 2013
    • Add this to functions.php

      add_theme_support( ‘woocommerce’ );



      mars 5, 2013
      • Didn’t work for me.

        David Howland
        mars 6, 2013
        • Should do. Try hooking into after_theme_setup.

          James Koster
          mars 6, 2013
          • Ah, nevermind. Missing a character. All good now, thanks!

            David Howland
            mars 8, 2013
    • Thanks, have updated that document to include the required code.

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
  49. I have a the shop theme by organic themes. When I updated the plugin, I lost the slide show and all the products on my home page. a message came following the update saying, « Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support – if you encounter layout issues please read our integration guide or choose a WooCommerce theme. » Then it came with instructions.

    I made a duplicate page.php file

    named it woocommerce.php

    Found the loop and replaced it with

    Saved the file. (did not get rid of the old file, since it said duplicate, not replace.)

    Nothing happened.

    mars 5, 2013
    • oops. forgot to paste this — this is what I replaced it with:

      mars 5, 2013
    • I have a similar experience. WordPress URL is different from Site URL.

      This is the error message: Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support – if you encounter layout issues please read our integration guide or choose a WooCommerce theme 🙂

      mars 6, 2013
  50. Thanks for this great update! Looking forward to trying it out.

    One question: Does the new tax options include the possibility to display different prices (with or without tax) based on the customer´s country ? In europe we need to display prices including tax, while in USA the prices should be displayed without tax.

    Or is there another (plugin) solution for this ?

    mars 5, 2013
    • Anyone knows a solution for this problem ?

      mars 6, 2013
  51. I have been working really hard the last past weeks to get a woocommerce based customized ecommerce site. I have follown all steps neccessary to avoid problems when updating WordPress core or plugins. Working with a personal plugin where I store all my custom code, dequeing css and js to queue mine, unhooking actions to get my customized code to be executed, customized shortcodes, customized templates, child theme….

    I am really worried about problems I might get when updating wordpress core or plugins as this project is meant to be used by dozens of (small) shops, so any maintenance I need to do when anything is updated has to be multiplied by… dozens. I can imagine a situation like this might mean a crash for my company.

    I have been working for a few hours and got some problems with class names in woocommerce.css (it seems that some « _ » have been changed by « -« ), not very critical actually but still annoying. Now I am finding some incompatibilities between last version checkout and current one, due to the way product metas are being treated.

    Shouldn’t older versions be fully compatible with new ones? Should I be worried about the impact I might get in further versions? Any advices to get my website fully functional again? Any advice on custom modification strategies?

    Any opinion is appreciated.

    Ivan Pallarés
    mars 5, 2013
    • I can assure you that backwards compatibility is very important to us. You simply start with the biggest changes we’ve ever done to the code since WooCommerce was first created. We decided that we had to drop some of this backwards compatibility in this 2.0 release, to remove a lot of legacy code that was holding us back for a long time.

      The update strategies we’ve mentioned in this post and all previous posts always apply though. You are working with code, so it can change, yes. We do our best to keep everything working with previous versions, but sometimes it is impossible. My best practice is to use a staging environment, test everything there and clean up bugs before using it on a live website.

      In the end, we’re improving WooCommerce by breaking backwards compatibility every now and then. We try to avoid it, but sometimes there is no other way.

      Coen Jacobs
      mars 5, 2013
  52. Another fantastic update and loving it so far. I’ve been testing across my sites and the only two issues so far seems to be with another Word Press plugin called Advanced Access Manager and WC Logging produces a warning saying the folder is not writeable. But it would appear the folder is actually deleted upon upgrading to WooCommerce 2.0.1

    With Advanced Access Manager plugin activated, the « Products » menu disappears from the Word Press dashboard and « Coupons », « Reports » cannot be accessed in the WooCommerce menu.

    With Advanced Access Manager plugin deactivated, everything works fine.

    Anybody any ideas or suggestions for the two issues?

    Again awesome product!!

    mars 5, 2013
  53. Organic themes is working on a fix so my theme will work with this new plug-in. is there a way for me to install the old version? I have back-ups of my site, but apparently I don’t have backups of the old plugin.

    mars 5, 2013
  54. I found woocomerce and I am not leaving

    mars 5, 2013
  55. I’ve had to switch to jigoshop because woo commerce is no longer compatible with my theme. I’m so disappointed. I tried to install the older version, but it gives me an error. I wish I’d never clicked on update, everything was working so perfectly before, and now I have data I can’t access locked in the plug in. Hopefully organic themes will find a way to be compatible with this plugin again. 🙁

    mars 5, 2013
    • Sorry to hear that you’ve parted ways with WooCommerce, but you should realise that it is actually the other way around. It is not WooCommerce that is no longer compatible with your theme, but it is your theme that is lacking updates since we’ve started changing the plugin towards version 2.0.

      In the end, it doesn’t help you right now I’m afraid, but you do need to realise that it is your theme that is holding you back and not the plugin breaking compatibility with your theme. Now you’ve moved to Jigoshop, you will run into the same issue once they start updating something that your theme isn’t changing as well. So I don’t think you’re solving your problem here now, but are simply changing what the problem is.

      Last, but certainly not least, this is exactly why we’ve been recommending to make backups before updating and why the popup after you click ‘Update’ also reminds you to do so. If you have made a backup, you can restore this and download the previous WooCommerce versions from the .org plugin repository.

      Coen Jacobs
      mars 5, 2013
      • I did back it up through i-page, but the older version wouldn’t install. Organic themes is working on a fix, but it’s taking forever. I switched to jigoshop just so the slideshow is visible; i didn’t fill in any of the data because I’m hoping to switch back once the fix is done. I love the look of my theme. Does Woo commerce have a theme that looks like this and actually functions:


        I was able to go w/o it functioning for the past 2 weeks because I’m launching a new line, but in a week I need it to function, even if I have t start from scratch.


        mars 15, 2013
  56. « Product tabs rewritten – Product tabs are now filterable which makes adding new tabs and removing current ones more convenient. »

    I still have to figure out how to add a tab using v2.01 and make it work with Tab Manager. Is there any clear documentation on how to add new tabs to products with v2? I tried to look in the docs, but if I search for « add tab » or « product tabs » I only get results concerning Tab Manager. I want to use Tab Manager to remove some default tabs, then add some new tabs from my theme. I’ve a ticket opened for over 10 days now (#18774) and my problem hasn’t been solved yet.

    mars 5, 2013
    • ps love the update and all the features though

      mars 5, 2013
      • fiy, my ticket is still open 12 days without much progress…

        mars 8, 2013
    • Hello Coen, Ryan, and James,

      The WC 2.02 is way ahead of 1.6.6. Lot of new thought has gone into the new release.

      The release info above talks about: “Product tabs rewritten – Product tabs are now filterable which makes adding new tabs and removing current ones more convenient.”

      In fact I’ve been looking for exactly this kind of solution. I also did a broad requirements analysis of what we all want, in terms of UX and functionality.

      Product Info Tabs in WC 2.0.2:

      WC 2.0.2 offers Description, Product Short Description, and Review content editing areas in 3 different places, rather confusing.

      A. Main Text editor appears near the product image appears as Description,

      B. Product Short Description appears as Product Description,

      C. WC 2.0.2 > Settings > Catalog > Product Data > Show weight and dimension values on the Additional Information tab show up as Specifications content

      The above rendering might differ depending on the theme in use, perhaps.
      Goes without saying the importance of furnishing essential product information in a fine way after getting a e-commerce site up and running. Internet users’ve come up with many tedious workarounds to insert more product info tabs and content. Nice if WooThemes can provide a interim plugin and integrate the following functionality in WC 2’s forthcoming updates that has and does the following:

      1. The Product Page has an integrated content editing area, with the facility to add a maximum of 20 tabs with custom names.

      2. The existing Description, Specifications, Additional Information, and Reviews tab editors appear under each other by default. These tabs’ names are re-nameable and re-orderable by drag-and-drop.

      3. “Add new tab” Checkbox placed below each rich text editor. When checked, opens a new tab below with « Enter tab name » in the name field. There’s a “Show this Tab” checkbox, if checked, displays this tab and content in the rendered page. If not not checked, this tab does not stop preceding or succeeding tabs from displaying their content.

      4. All Tabs labels’re re-nameable, and appear as ordered in the back-end.

      5. Each tab has URL fields for text and images, which can fetch and render content from that URL.

      6. The product’s weight and dimension values appear in an editable table in the default Specifications tab. Hitting the keyboard’s Tab key on the end of a row must create a new row.

      7. If a tab is named Reviews or Review, or User Opinions, or any similar tag, this tab offers to display excerpts of the Testimonial post type content. The user can also pull in content from other URLs using the functionality mentioned in 5.

      8. Tab content is re-used across all products in the Shop, and figure in the import/export, and backup of Shop.

      9. All tabs must render their info seamlessly without breaking the theme’s stylesheet, and easy closing of the product’s sale.

      WC’ll be fuller for users if it can do the tabs well.

      My 2 cents. Thanks for your time.

      mars 11, 2013
      • Have you seen this extension? 🙂

        If you want to take this a step further there’s a basic, getting-started guide to adding / removing tabs in WooCommerce 2.0+ here.

        James Koster
        mars 11, 2013
        • I want to buy a theme and a truckload of plugins and extensions. Why reinvent the wheel when you can buy them off with support?

          I do my domain and hosting with Godaddy in India for several sites, paying in Indian Rupees using a Debit Card issued from an Indian bank or via Netbanking. Is Godaddy a reseller of Woothemes products? Else, who’s your designated Indian reseller?

          mars 11, 2013
  57. Hi,
    i have the shop theme « woostore » from woo-themes but i have this message
    « Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support… » And i have some layout and css problems.
    I made a duplicate page.php file
    named it woocommerce.php
    Found the loop and replaced it with
    Saved the file. (did not get rid of the old file, since it said duplicate, not replace.)

    And…Nothing happened

    mars 5, 2013
    • Hey, please update to the latest version of WooStore to resolve these issues.

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
      • Thanks so much for all your hard work guys!
        Everything is now ok.

        mars 9, 2013
  58. First of all, good job this this release. Looks like some really nice new features.

    I’m having problem integrating woocommerce 2.0.1 to AIT Themes’ Ristorante Theme. Has anyone tried integrating with this theme?

    mars 5, 2013
  59. Hi all,
    I have been in the midst of updating and saw this in IE8
    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
    Timestamp: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 22:04:28 UTC

    Message: ‘JSON’ is undefined
    Line: 1
    Char: 353
    Code: 0
    URI: http://sportscentercards.com/wp/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/cart-fragments.min.js?ver=2.0.1

    I am using Artificer…


    mars 6, 2013
    • This was on the latest version of Artificer to be sure?

      Ryan Ray
      mars 6, 2013
      • I am using:
        ARTIFICER 1.0.5
        FRAMEWORK 5.4.1

        mars 6, 2013
    • Please post these issues in support. 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
      • Will do, thanks!

        mars 8, 2013
  60. Hey guys! I love the new features and functionality of the new version!

    Integration into my third-party theme wasn’t completely smooth, but with some clever CSS styling I was able to get it looking even better than before!

    Unfortunately, I now have to restore a back-up of my site – because of this problem:

    * UPS Shipping Extension now refuses to auto-update shipping costs. The cart shipping calculator works fine, but when going to checkout if you try to change any data… it just sits there – stagnant.

    I’ll put in a support ticket, I just thought it was worth mentioning.

    mars 6, 2013
  61. Could you please improve the theme documentation?

    There is no mention of
    add_theme_support( ‘woocommerce’ );

    What about the hooks method that was included here?

    The hooks method is still the best?

    mars 6, 2013
  62. Wow, upgraded 2 client sites to 2.0 from 1.6x last night, found one « minor » bug and it’s already resolved! The new features are badass and work amazing!

    Tim Wood
    mars 6, 2013
    • Glad you’re enjoying it! 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
  63. Hi, congrats team!

    Btw im still playing around with integration guide, but nothing happen.
    Even updated Hustle theme and ‘Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support ‘ still appear.
    Best if you guys can come out with sample theme that compatible with v2.0 so that we can see and learn how the right way to sort this issue out.


    mars 6, 2013
    • Hi Wynn, check the woo changelog to make sure that you are using the latest version of Hustle. One came out a few days ago. My dashboard told me I was using the latest version of Hustle but it was actually about 3 versions behind. Updating the theme via ftp fixed the probs.

      mars 6, 2013
    • A new version of Hustle which provides full WooCommerce 2.0 compatibility is due for release today. Sorry for the delay with this release.

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
  64. WOW great news looking forward to using 2.0 🙂

    Arafin Shaon
    mars 6, 2013
  65. Congrats for your hard work!

    mars 6, 2013
  66. Hi,

    I have just updated and am using Wootique theme, the Shopping Cart widget for the sidebar no longer shows any contents it only shows the title ‘Shopping Cart’. It was working fine before the update, any ideas?


    mars 6, 2013
    • Please update your theme as well 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
      • Do you mean update the framework because I have already done that and it made no difference? The theme was only downloaded from the website a week ago so its the most updated version.

        mars 6, 2013
  67. Great stuff – look forward to giving the new features a run out soon!

    Warwick Kay
    mars 6, 2013
  68. Is it still full of bugs? Like the cart not showing products after you’ve added them. Try some of the demos on your showcase.

    mars 6, 2013
  69. Good Work.. Way to go guys!

    mars 6, 2013
  70. When I upload the file. its showing this Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘woocommerce_price_filter_init’ not found or invalid function name in /home/shyamdig/public_html/theelegantcardcompany.com/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406

    Need to sort it out

    mars 6, 2013
    • May be caused you use sub path public_html/theelegantcardcompany.com/wp/. Try to use public_html/theelegantcardcompany.com.

      mars 6, 2013
    • Having the same problem. I have my site in a sub-directory, so what’s the solution?


      Robert Wilkins
      mai 1, 2013
  71. Is there a way for visitors to be able to list their own items for sale? They have their own store and tracking? Thanks

    mars 6, 2013
  72. Using WC since beginning, and like it more on every update.

    Moved from Magento for some stores without any regret.

    Can anyone tell me if it have built in option to get client TAX ID? Not just get TAX ID, but also show it on every order, register it on every order (client could have some orders with different TAX ID’s)?

    I did a lot os custom code to get this working, but with this major update of course it will stop to work.

    Thank you.

    mars 6, 2013
  73. Um, yeah. Well done on reaching 2!

    Will be setting up a test environment and doing trial upgrades.

    This looks very good in deed.


    mars 6, 2013
  74. needs dates.
    on posts.

    your blog
    mars 6, 2013
    • needs more obvious dates.
      on posts.

      your blog
      mars 6, 2013
      • thanks.
        for your input.
        awesome 😀

        James Koster
        mars 6, 2013
  75. Fantastic, good work guys… woohoo, yippee and all the celebratory words that can be used…
    HOWEVER… having waited for over a year for one simple extension « product Addons’ to be fixed so that the pricing is updated dynamically on the cart. it is almost ridiculous that we have to wait this long, especially when Mike moved it to Git under the issues trac.

    mars 6, 2013
  76. Thanks for sending the great theme

    mars 6, 2013
  77. Upgraded 3 sites yesterday without a hitch so far (just a little CSS editing).

    Looking forward to the new features and testing some of the extensions.


    Jeff Kemp
    mars 6, 2013
  78. great work guys look forward to update but ill wait a while and follow the post on here

    web design web
    mars 6, 2013
  79. superb! for a free product worth a million.. it’s like « humanity restored.. »
    really appreciate it.. keep up the good work!


    Pr Setiadi
    mars 6, 2013
  80. Is there a way to convert my old PO MO file – to the new files?
    there is about 3000 lines – I don’t want to translate it all from the begining 🙁

    mars 6, 2013
  81. We’re so stoked for this upgrade and even more excited because we’ve chosen to hang our hat (money, time and energy) into assisting WooCommerce become the prominent online shopping cart system. I’m very excited to see where WooCommerce will be in another year.

    Here’s to growth!!! 😀

    Chais Meyer
    mars 6, 2013
    • Cheers to that, Chais!

      Ryan Ray
      mars 6, 2013
  82. 酷~已經更新了~正在研究新功能~

    mars 6, 2013
  83. 還是建議能有中文版

    mars 6, 2013
  84. Just started a new project. This is gonna help tremendously! Great update, and couldn’t come at a better time!

    Thanks guys

    Jac Auguste
    mars 6, 2013
  85. please note: WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos is still not compatible

    mars 6, 2013
    • Are you running the latest version? If so please post any issues in support. Thanks 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
      • yes, all plugins are up to date.

        mars 6, 2013
  86. All good once I switched off the cache plugin.

    Only issue I’ve got at the moment is I’ve a customer in Portugal who cannot buy from me because the required state/province/county field disappears when he selects his country and the site will not go any further without it !

    Paul Gregory
    mars 6, 2013
  87. Hey guys I’ve updated my site to WooCommerce 2.0.2 but I’m having 2 problems. First of all the new product data form as in your post above is not displaying on the Add Product pages, I still have the old one.

    Second problem is I’m using Artificer and despite updating the Framework to 5.5.5 the theme still seems to have some problems. For example on a product page where the description goes, usually there would be tabs for Description, Additional Information and Reviews but the tabs aren’t showing and my product pages look a mess. Also the star ratings on the All Products page are now left-aligned for some reason.

    Wish I hadn’t bothered to update 🙁

    mars 6, 2013
    • Is it possible you still have 1.6.6 active?

      Thanks for reporting the Artificer issues, I’ll look into that now.

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
    • I noticed the same thing with the Additional Information, etc. tabs not working in Shelflife.

      mars 21, 2013
  88. hello,
    I get errors with Athena thême 1.08.

    mini cart no longer works.
    Quantity + and – in duplicate.
    main product page the page number that is the vertical

    the selection of products sorting shifts.

    I remain for now with version 1.6 which I have no problem.

    I care for now with version 1.6 which I have no problem.

    mars 6, 2013
    • Post any theme or WooCommerce issues in our support desk, not blog comments. – http://support.woothemes.com/

      It most likely means your theme needs updated.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 6, 2013
  89. Really happy as was eager for the public launch!!!
    Still one question/doubt/suggestion…….
    The promotional image has the Indian Rupee Symbol, but the package does not by default have the Indian Rupee (₹) in the Currency list!!!

    Vachan Kudmule
    mars 6, 2013
    • You can however add this yourself 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 6, 2013
    • Hi Vachan,

      You can insert the Indian Rupee (₹) in the Currency list this way too:

      Go to webroot > wp-content > plugins > woocommerce > woocommerce-core-functions.php

      In line 684, add:
      ‘INR’ => __( ‘Indian Rupee’, ‘woocommerce’ ),

      In line 748, add:
      case ‘INR’ : $currency_symbol = ‘₹’; break;


      James, nice if this’s included in the next WC 2.0 update.

      mars 7, 2013
      • It would be really great if the INR is included in the next update!

        mars 8, 2013
  90. Excellent job….I have two custom wordpress designs I finished about six months ago and both clients kept asking me about two specific features and now I can go back and upgrade their websites with these two features. Thanks again

    mars 6, 2013
    • That’s awesome to hear, hope for all the best on the shops!

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
  91. Fantastic job guys +++

    Can you please add Google+ at your share widget?


    Ali Rizwan
    mars 6, 2013
  92. Hi, Coupon cart % discount not working. When a % number is added and updated, the message comes up « please enter a number ». The number discount doesn’t work either. Any combination I try doesn’t work and the « Coupon Code » doesn’t retain CAPITAL letters when coupon published.
    Wootique 1.6.2 and WC 2.02

    mars 6, 2013
    • We can’t provide support via blog comments, Win.

      You’d need to create a ticket here if you’ve purchased any item from us. – http://support.woothemes.com/

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
    • Same here. The help text even says « Enter an amount or percentage e.g. 2.99 or 15% » but the moment you put a % the field turns RED and disables the % symbol. Great idea to elaborate on the input field but % does not work!

      mars 10, 2013
  93. Looking forward to this new version… 🙂

    mars 6, 2013
  94. Helloo Wooo!

    Great update. I have been following WC since ‘dem days’ and this is a great team with great stuff.

    is it in any way possible to make the ‘add to cart’ button visible on product pages by default? This is a big issue when it comes to conversions on certain shops.

    PS: Was in Jo’burg a few weeks ago – It’s as beautiful as I imagined it to be!

    mars 6, 2013
  95. Way to bork the taxes… I made a plugin to upload tax rates based on zip code using a csv file that is provided for free for every state, you used to be able to just download this csv and import it in my plugin. Now after the new update all of your tax rates get deleted. You implemented a very stupid way of inserting these rates into the DB and retrieving them from the DB IMO not sure why that was changed as it worked fine before and you could have just implemented the same thing my plugin did…

    And then you show an option to import tax rates based on a csv file like I was doing but yet the structure is horrible, and I have yet to find anyone that provides tax rates based on zip codes in a csv that is structured like that… So what was the idea behind that? Just create your own csv file? Whats is the point of that isn’t that double the work when you could just enter them in one by one into the plugin anyway? Or if you know of a place that offers free csv files that are structured like the way they need to be now why not post a link to it in the plugin?

    mars 6, 2013
    • Hey Adam, way to not take responsibility for what YOU made. Great job!


      mars 6, 2013
  96. YES, you DID 🙂
    Thank you a lot !

    mars 6, 2013
  97. The 25% discount coupon is « valid until Midnight (UTC), Friday 8th March, 2013 ». That means the the coupon is valid THROUGH Thursday, but will NOT work on Friday. Right?

    mars 6, 2013
  98. Hello,
    im using the theme Flexishop2. upon installing the woocommerce 2.0 update, it corrupts my whole theme rendering the website blank. for some reason it affects the whole website and not the ecommerce component.
    Please let me know how to resolve.

    mars 7, 2013
    • I had the same issue – there is a theme update available – problem seemed to be the code for the mini cart widget.

      mars 7, 2013
    • Your theme needs updated for WooCommerce 2.0 support. We obviously don’t develop Flexishop, so you’ll need to check with the creators of the theme for WooCommerce 2.0 support.

      Please heed the lesson here of updating crucial plugins without testing them first.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
  99. Hello, please, can someone explain to me how to sign up for the « premium support. » I need help setting up my shipping methods in WooCommerce and I can’t get ANY support.

    I don’t mind paying for the premium support, but I cannot find the way to sign up.



    mars 7, 2013
    • Sorry for any trouble you are having here.

      If you need support for WooCommerce, you can purchase either one of our WooCommerce themes or any of our WooCommerce extensions. Once you have done so, we will be happy to provide you with support for WooCommerce core as well.

      We do have an open community forum as well that’s available. – http://support.woothemes.com/categories/20075173-community-forum

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
  100. I am not sure why you guys have done this but I have a message on all my stores in the settings area that says « Data Update Required – We just need to update your install to the latest version – Run the updater » now I am sure I am not alone here but when a client of mine sees this they click that dreaded Run the updater button!!! now I have 20 stores or so broken!! why would you have this message there? and not have a little x button for hiding the message and allowing us wait until we are ready to update. Also the message itself is a little confusing as it does not say that this « is an entire new version and you need to have a theme update also and you need to backup » – a client will just go ahead and click update!!!

    Now of course I know you need to backup before an update but a client will just go ahead and click run updater especially the way you have phrased this message – a little easy breezy which is fine from a friendly marketing point of view but a disaster for an unsuspecting client of mine, please phase update scripts like this correctly!!

    All in all great job on woocommerce 2.0 looks super in terms of the update but please release an update immediately to allow us hide this message if we do not currently have steps in place to upgrade – this only seems logical. Exposing a message that says « data update required » means every single person clicks upgrade with no knowledge of the upgrade procedures. Thanks for creating a months work here!

    mars 7, 2013
    • Don’t give clients the user role to update plugins, etc… if they don’t know what they are doing.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
      • That sounds such a simple solution doesnt it when you say it in one sentence. Not really the response I was hoping for to be honest Ryan. For the sake of argument lets run with that you have said. I have logged in under the Shop manager role which every client will need – I still see the message:  »
        Data Update Required – We just need to update your install to the latest version – Run the updater »

        So which role do I give them?

        mars 7, 2013
      • Also please bear in mind Ryan, these messages did not appear in previous versions – this is knew – I had no idea you guys were going to do this – then I have no idea of how to plan for it. I wish I was a mind reader but I aint – I assumed this message was just for admins – it is not – so please refer to my previous role.

        1. most shop managers see this message.
        2. Please read your message without a knowledge of WooCommerce updates – it does not make sense. It seems to refer its easy – just click here its a simple data update.
        3. Neither of the above makes sense to a shop manager role.

        Any ideas on this?

        mars 7, 2013
  101. Looks all GREAT 🙂
    Just 1 thing I found……
    I use all new …

    this I found where the TABpages are normal (description…..)

    Warning: uasort() [function.uasort]: The argument should be an array in …………/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-template.php on line 792

    What can that be ?

    mars 7, 2013
    • Found it myself in meantime.
      Product Video Tab needs a update.
      When it is activated it will give the error, deactivated it works normal (of course without that tab 😉 )
      Hope on a update soon, like it in my shop to use.

      mars 7, 2013
      • And it is been updated in mean time
        Thanks .. that was quick 😉 and it works okay now 🙂

        mars 7, 2013
  102. Is it compatible and or does it work with thesis 2.0?

    mars 7, 2013
    • You’ll have to ask the developers of Thesis, they are in charge of making sure Thesis works with WooCommerce 2.0

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
  103. Just updated to 2.02 but variations are still not working – they sometimes list on a page refesh but it seems that as soon as the product images load all variations in the select box just vanish!

    mars 7, 2013
    • Please, contact our support if you are using one of our paid themes and having issues – http://support.woothemes.com/

      Blog comments won’t help us help you. Regardless, It sounds like the theme needs updated for 2.0 support.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 7, 2013
  104. AMAZING!!!! I’ll go and buy some of extensions… 🙂

    mars 7, 2013
  105. Unfortunately, order emails are not being sent to either seller or purchaser. All settings are correct, Paypal IPN is working, the order is shown in the Orders window in the Admin, and WP emails send with no problem, but the new order notification, customer invoice, order processing and order completion do not send.

    mars 7, 2013
    • If you’ve purchased anything from us contact our support, we don’t provide support via blog comments. – http://support.woothemes.com/

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
  106. Where exactly is the option located to add or remove product tabs?

    In the previous versions I had hooks in place that removed both the product description and reviews tabs completely. Since the upgrade those are no longer working though.

    mars 7, 2013
  107. Is it possible to change time limit for customer to checkout or disable this feature all together? In past have used WooCommerce to raise order for customer and then they checkout later but orders are being cancelled automatically before customer gets chance to check out now.

    Thanks in advance

    mars 7, 2013
    • There is an option for this in the admin panel

      Hold Stock (minutes): ?? – Hold stock (for unpaid orders) for x minutes. When this limit is reached, the pending order will be cancelled. Leave blank to disable.

      mars 7, 2013
      • Thanks. Does this work even when we’re not using stock management?


        mars 8, 2013
  108. Just a big thank you for all the hard work on WooCommerce 2.0 guys and gals. Great job and look forward to testing all the great new features (and speed) in the coming months.

    Your team are a massive asset to the WordPress community and your efforts to make your plugins and themes user-friendly is much appreciated!

    Herrin Larkan
    mars 7, 2013
  109. Thank you for your work! Very useful and necessary plugin.
    Download plugin woocommerce-2 from your own site. This archive has corrupted files.

    mars 7, 2013
    • woocommerce\i18n\languages\woocommerce-nl_NL.po
      woocommerce.zip: Archive damaged

      mars 7, 2013
  110. Thank you much! WC 2.0 was well expected. I created a test environment and updated woocommerce. There’s a significant improvement in functionality, but the layout didn’t seem to to adapt itself very well on my site, http://test.tree-paintings.com . In the product pages , the product description was moved to the right side, making it look a bit confusing in such a narrow area. Products descriptions look better in WC 1.6. http://tree-paintings.com . There might be a way around this? Thank you 🙂

    mars 7, 2013
    • So glad to see you’ve created a test environment for this, you’ll want the latest version of Canvas with WooCommerce 2.0 support.

      If issues exist from there, create a ticket here. – http://support.woothemes.com/

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
  111. Getting a js error in review order page. If I use the non-minimized checkout.js file it seems to be an error on line 344 when retrieving locale value.

    I have reached to it when trying to customize shipping cost calculations. I am using a code based in AWD Weight/Country Woocommerce plugin. The idea is shipping costs will be calculated based on the weight of all the items in the order and the shipping country.

    The problem I am finding is, whereas changing state/province, town or zipcode makes totals to be recalculated it does not happen the same when changing the country. I don’t know whether it is related to the js error or it has been designed to work like this, but I think recalculation should also be triggered when changing the country for the order to be shipped. Thus customers would see the real total cost of their orders before confirming, and not after (shipping costs are correctly charged according to the country to be delivered, even thoug they might be different to shipping cost shown in totals block).

    Any advice or idea on how to deal with it?


    Ivan Pallarés
    mars 7, 2013
    • Ok, some more info.

      This js error happens everytime I change the country so, apparently it is trying to do something and probably gets stuck because of the error. I have seen the paragraph where this select is has a ‘update_totals_on_change’ class, so so I assume it is supposed to recalculate totals but not capable.

      I have unchecked the General Settings « Enanble enhanced country select boxes » option and also used just two countries (I was working with « All countries ») and still get the error.



      Ivan Pallarés
      mars 7, 2013
  112. Not a fan of the prettyPhoto plugin.

    Hover arrows shouldn’t exist on a product image with only 1 asset, nor should there be a ‘gallery’ version of the photo ontop. I’ve yet to look into the configuration but it’s definitely not an ideal default setting.

    mars 7, 2013
    • I agree with these comments, it is something that should be looked into 🙂

      mars 7, 2013
    • We’re aware and will be looking into this 😉

      James Koster
      mars 11, 2013
      • Thanks! It’s always appreciated by us perfectionists 🙂

        mars 20, 2013
  113. hi!

    first of all nice work! thx for that.

    could it be, that after the update to the actual version, the woocommerce.css is not loading properly? i noticed some ‘bugs’ and i am analyzing it at the moment, but i can’t read all the comments here (no time for that, sorry), so maybe someone had the same issue.

    i am working with my own theme and overrides of some parts, but i never had a issue with the css-styles.

    thx for any reply in advance.


    mars 7, 2013
    • If you’ve read our updating guides or previous blog posts, we’ve changed CSS names.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
  114. For those of you getting this message: « “Your theme does not declare WooCommerce support – if you encounter layout issues please read our integration guide or choose a WooCommerce theme.”

    Add this line to your functions.php file:


    and it will go away

    mars 7, 2013
    • This is also in the latest version of our themes that support WooCommerce, so update if you are using those.

      Don’t need to add any php that way. 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
  115. I’m having an issue with shipping after this latest update. On the check out screen the shipping box says

    « Sorry, it seems that there are no available shipping methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements. »

    I’ve never had this issue before and nothing I’m doing is fixing it. Please help!

    mars 7, 2013
    • Had the same problem, solved it by adding a standard cost and not minimum fee on flat rate delivery.

      mars 8, 2013
    • eu estava com esse problema, mas o meu era pq. eu não tinha colocado o peso e dimensões do produto, pois uso o plugun do correio tbém…Não sei se ajuda , mas talvez… Boa sorte

      mars 8, 2013
  116. hello,

    i got the woocommercce 2.0 runing on Gather theme by theme trust, and dispite creating woocommerce.php:

    <div >

    my store still looks broken:

    see here:

    things show up in wrong places and touching the side bars, like here:


    can this be made bit better??

    please help

    thank you

    mars 7, 2013
    • I’m almost certain this is a theme issue, it needs updated to include 2.0 support. It doesn’t matter that you copied over a file if it doesn’t have 2.0 support.

      Contact the theme developer to get help with that!

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
  117. I have upgraded to Woocommerce 2 and the Woocommerce CSS is no longer appearing on my website. It is enabled in the settings but I can clearly see there is no styling and a quick inspection of the code using Chrome’s Inspect Element shows that none of the Woocommerce elements are getting any CSS. What’s going on?

    mars 7, 2013
    • My first guess is theme conflicts, we’ve changed CSS classes in 2.0

      If you’ve purchased any product from us, create a ticket here for support. – http://support.woothemes.com/

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
  118. We just purchased WooCommerce over the last couple of months and are still in our site development. We’ve run no live transactions, just conducted some preliminary testing.

    Do we need to purchase 2.0 or is there a gratis upgrade path?

    mars 7, 2013
    • WooCommerce is completely free, so hopefully you’ve not paid anyone for our WooCommerce plugin.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
  119. Any chance on being able to upload one image for multiple products without uploading it every time and creating duplicates?

    mars 8, 2013
    • You’ll find all uploaded files in the media library, no need to upload it every time it needs used. Just select it from the media library.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 8, 2013
      • Yes that works if you want to input the image into the short description or description of the product but only new images will appear in the product image gallery. Am I missing something?

        mars 8, 2013
  120. Sorry to write it again, just in case it got lost among next comments, as it is giving me a hard time:

    Getting a js error in review order page. If I use the non-minimized checkout.js file it seems to be an error on line 344 when retrieving locale value.

    I have reached to it when trying to customize shipping cost calculations. I am using a code based in AWD Weight/Country Woocommerce plugin. The idea is shipping costs will be calculated based on the weight of all the items in the order and the shipping country.

    The problem I am finding is, whereas changing state/province, town or zipcode makes totals to be recalculated it does not happen the same when changing the country. I don’t know whether it is related to the js error or it has been designed to work like this, but I think recalculation should also be triggered when changing the country for the order to be shipped. Thus customers would see the real total cost of their orders before confirming, and not after (shipping costs are correctly charged according to the country to be delivered, even thoug they might be different to shipping cost shown in totals block).


    Ok, some more info.

    This js error happens everytime I change the country so, apparently it is trying to do something and probably gets stuck because of the error. I have seen the paragraph where this select is has a ‘update_totals_on_change’ class, so so I assume it is supposed to recalculate totals but not capable.

    I have unchecked the General Settings “Enanble enhanced country select boxes” option and also used just two countries (I was working with “All countries”) and still get the error.

    Iván Pallarés
    mars 8, 2013
    • Please use our support channels for this. We can’t help you in comments.

      Coen Jacobs
      mars 8, 2013
      • Ok I will. Do you confirm me it is not a bug? I don’t think I have changed anything that my cause this error.

        mars 8, 2013
  121. splendid news !

    David Potter
    mars 8, 2013
  122. I was (still am) in development mode with WooCommerce version 1.6.6 when 2.0 came out. I went through the upgrade process with version 2.0.2 fairly painlessly expect for one issue…

    The images on the single product page have grown in size by approximately 50% causing significant layout issues, particularly pushing content to the right and below the images into the sidebar and footer.

    Has anyone run into this?

    (other than that, the new features are exactly what I was hoping for in the next major release, many thanks, and great work)

    mars 9, 2013
    • Most likely a theme issue as we changed a few class names in 2.0, try to update your theme (whichever that one is) to have 2.0 support.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 9, 2013
  123. I really like the new add products page, great job really! Especially the added ´product gallery´ is a big relief. A pitty though that this gallery option isn´t there for the variations.

    Ofc i would like all my variations to have their own set of photo´s. Got 5 bags in 5 different colors photographed from 5 different angles so each bag (color) needs to have it´s own gallery/set of photo´s attached to it.

    Don´t like the new image handler though, hopefully this will get changed when theyre will be enough feedback on this.

    Great job guys

    mars 9, 2013
  124. My site took the woocommerce 2.0 update and it took it ALL DOWN! I can’t even log into wordpress to deactivate or do anything. This is the error I am getting. PLEASE help me get around this as my business is now down….Thanks!
    Fatal error: Call to a member function get_licence() on a non-object in /home/content/69/10064869/html/wp-content/plugins/synmedia-woocommerce-rewards/syn-updates/syn-updates.php on line 18

    mars 9, 2013
    • Looks like plugin error means it’s most likely not ready for 2.0

      You’ll have to access your site via FTP to either downgrade WooCommerce or update the plugin if it has a 2.0 ready version.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 9, 2013
  125. I have completed a Woocommerce translation to spanish. Can anybody tell me where I can upload it so other users can use it?

    Iván Pallarés
    mars 9, 2013
    • Via the WooCommerce repo on Github. 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      mars 9, 2013
    • Ivan, I’m just finishing this shop, and I need a catalan translation of the Woocommerce. Just wandering if you also got one? If not, I will have to do it myself and upload it on Github too…

      luba lee
      mars 14, 2013
  126. Where can I get the previous version from? I regret updating to 2.0.

    mars 10, 2013
    • Is this because it broke something on your site (aka theme and extensions need updated with 2.0 support) or is there something about 2.0 you don’t like?

      You can’t effectively downgrade if you’ve upgraded your data to 2.0 unfortunately, if you have a backup of your site and database you can restore that though.

      Ryan Ray
      mars 10, 2013
  127. Hello, Daring Daissie.. 🙂

    What a nice name for a nice plugin..

    Congratulations, WooThemes!

    mars 10, 2013
  128. I just updated everything to latest 2.0 version and now I get this message:

    « Data Update Required – We just need to update your install to the latest version » RUN UPDATER?

    I’m afraid to click this without any explanation or details on what it does. Please explain, thanks.

    mars 10, 2013
    • This is all explained in this very blog post. Please read it thoroughly 🙂

      James Koster
      mars 11, 2013
  129. Lucky that we always prepared a dummy dev site for each of our wordpress installation.. Here automatic update failed at the first shot. But now everything’s fine.

    *Sigh.. Updating WooCommerce plugin to version 2.X is such a challenging tasks.

    Be careful, everyone.. Make a backup and prepare a dummy site for testing (Just another friendly reminder)


    mars 10, 2013
  130. I thought there was supposed to be a way to issue full/partial refunds? I can’t seem to find that.

    mars 10, 2013
  131. Just discovered that all of my variable products are broken – it would seem that the database upgrade converted all of the quotes in my attribute names to html codes (unfortunate as many of my products have sizes in inches which are denoted by quote marks)

    Looks like a busy day tomorrow going through all of our products and manually fixing the attributes and variation details.

    mars 11, 2013
  132. it is really nice, i really can’t wait to upgrade my store to new version.


    mars 11, 2013
  133. Hi,

    This social widget on the left, very neat and minimal.

    Is this a commercial Wootheme plugin or a custom job like this website’s theme?


    mars 11, 2013
    • Custom coded into our custom made theme. 🙂

      Ryan Ray
      mars 13, 2013
  134. Hi, today I have updated woo from 2.0 to 2.0.2 and recieve error

    « Warning: uasort() [function.uasort]: The argument should be an array in \wp-content\plugins\woocommerce\woocommerce-template.php on line 792 »

    How to fix it?

    mars 11, 2013
  135. just updated to Woocommerce 2.0.3 and my site just stopped working. The error has to do with the customized shipping method I am using, where I extend WC_Shipping_Method class. In the log it shows like:

    PHP Fatal error: Class ‘WC_Shipping_Method’ not found in …..

    It used to work perfectly before this last update.

    Anyone has any clue?


    Iván Pallarés
    mars 11, 2013
    • We do not provide support via blog comments, if you’ve made a purchase from us that gets you access to our help desk. Create a ticket here if so. – http://support.woothemes.com/

      Ryan Ray
      mars 13, 2013
  136. We have a client that needs wpml integration with woocommerce. As i understand it is worked on. Is there a eta for full integration? I sort of hoped that wc 2.0 would bring it. We rather use standard wc instead of a custom wpml-friendly version.

    mars 12, 2013
    • Same here. What version will be the best for WPML integration? Can I use this new Woocommerce 2.0.3, or I must run the patched one as they say on wpml.org?

      luba lee
      mars 14, 2013
  137. People, don’t just click the update button because you see it.


    mars 12, 2013
    • How can we get to know it?


      Ivan Pallarés
      mars 12, 2013
  138. I did the product variation….by setting Product Data >> from Simple product to be Variation product.
    Then I go to the attribute tab and add the « size » with value « M|L|XL ». After that I go to the variation tab and add variation. I then go to the frontend, there is no drop-down options for the size. Please kindly see http://yum2yum.tk/product/001/
    Do you think that I do anything wrong on woocommerce2 or get misunderstood ?
    Kind Regards,

    mars 13, 2013
    • We do not provide support via blog comments, if you’ve made a purchase from us that gets you access to our help desk. Create a ticket here if so. – http://support.woothemes.com/

      Ryan Ray
      mars 13, 2013
      • I think perhaps…..it is some defect code on product variation. And I do the website…. just for learning and study. Kind Regards, Pik

        mars 16, 2013
    • Did you ever get the variations to work???

      mars 26, 2013
  139. When I add to cart, and then remove it, and try to add it again from the shop page, I get the notification that it is already in my cart in:

    Mac – Safari 5.0.5 and Firefox 16.0.1

    PC – IE 7 (sorry – a friends computer – I have not tested on any other verison of IE) and Chrome.

    It works on Mac Chrome. Actually in Firefox I didn’t even add it to my cart first, so maybe this feature is relying on IP?

    I have the individually sold feature on because:
    The notifications that the item has been added to the cart only seem to appear on Chrome, Mac and because the quantity field looks a little mangled with two sets up up/down arrows.

    My site is http://k9aggression.com

    I use a theme that is compatible up to 2.0.2 and my wordpress is up to date. All my plugins are turned off except for woomcommerce.

    Is anyone else getting this?

    mars 15, 2013
    • Never mind, I suspect it could be a bug in the theme. 🙂

      mars 15, 2013
  140. have resolve problem?

    mars 18, 2013
  141. I ran this update and it really messed up my « shop » page, where people go to look at my products. How can I fix this problem? My website is useless until I get this fixed. If I can’t get help, I might have to install another e-commerce products.


    Anne Landman
    mars 18, 2013
    • P.S. My website is ThoughtOnBoard.com
      To see the problem, click on the « Shop » link.

      mars 19, 2013
      • Hi Anne

        Please log a support ticket and we can investigate this for you, however just a quick look it is evident that your theme does not have support for WooCommerce 2.0. I suggest you get in contact with the developers of the theme and inquire about that. If you have any other questions or issues please log a support ticket.

        mars 19, 2013
  142. I realize that this may need to be submitted to support. But I want to post here so that others also know they are not the only ones having this problem with variations. I am having to go through and manually redo all my variations which is not acceptable. I see other comments above where others are seeing their variations have disappeared on the front end. If there are this many folks having this issue, please fix it. If all these customers are submitting support tickets please post the resolution and save us time as well as your team. I do NOT want to fix each one of my products variations manually. My theme has been updated recently by the developer for 2.0 (Sommerce). So it’s not the theme. ~Thanks

    mars 18, 2013
    • I just noticed the update after I posted my comment and was nearly relieved until I ran the update and got an error « The plugin generated 11343 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin. »

      Now my WooCommerce won’t activate. 🙁

      mars 18, 2013
    • I had to activate it 3 times before it gave me the « Welcome to WooCommerce » page. The variations seem to be all fixed. Thanks Woo! 🙂

      So anyone else who might be having this issue…there’s an update waiting for you in your plugins.

      mars 18, 2013
      • Have upadate 2.4 but have this error p-content/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-template.php on line 791

        mars 19, 2013
    • Did you get your variations to work???

      mars 26, 2013
  143. Hi There,

    Will woocommerce 2.0 work with responsive theme?

    mars 19, 2013
  144. Has the option to limit downloadable/virtual products to 1 been removed? Help! I used to have that on my site, but don’t see the option anymore.


    mars 21, 2013
  145. I’m not sure why, but ever since I’ll updated to the latest Woocommerce, my customers and I can’t receive the email notifications (New orders, customer notes, order status change etc) anymore, even though they are all set to ‘On’. I can’t receive emails from the contact forms as well.

    I’ve tried to switch the notifications ‘Off’ and then back ‘On’ but it’s not making a difference. This is a major hindrance and I’m not sure if others are facing the same issues. I’ve send in a support ticket earlier today as well. Please help!

    mars 21, 2013
  146. I installed woo commerce. I am creating a website with it. I want to use Indian currency. But the issue is the rupees symbol is not showing. Instead it shows ₹. What to do to fix it.

    mars 24, 2013
  147. I know, I waited until all plug-ins and my theme were updated before I took the plunge and now I am SO sorry. Variations not working and I am out of business with no income until I can figure it out. Variations are the backbone of my store and nothing works without them…

    My husband came tearing into my office as I was sobbing so hysterically – he assumed someone had died…

    I have spent so much money, time, blood , sweat and obviously tears on my store with WooCommerce I am loathe to change to something else, but I cannot go through this every single time there is any type of update!

    mars 26, 2013
  148. I just updated to WooCommerce 2.0.4 and have lost the WooCommerce Sidebar Login Widget. I’ve been told it was removed due to a Security problem. Is there any plan to release a new secure version?


    mars 26, 2013
  149. I have been searching for an ecommerce plugin to use in place of WP commerce and I am loving getting to know woocommerce. I have just upgraded to this new version and it is wonderful. Having said that I have a client that needs his store to be full wide of the website. I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to remove the sidebar. Please direct me. Thanks so much.

    mars 26, 2013
  150. Hey guys, any news on the Shipwire integration? Has that been on hold until you got this done?

    mars 27, 2013
    • I’d like to know the Shipwire status, too.

      Shipwire itself, on the integrations page, says Woocommerce will be Shipwire-ready in Mid-March or April. News?

      avril 1, 2013
  151. Muy buena actualización, actualmente tengo 3 tiendas y todas me va de maravill.

    Saludos desde Perú

    mars 29, 2013
  152. Hi,

    In the video, there are « Integrated Social Sharing » and « Share your Cart » functions.

    Are both of them included in WooCommerce? or We need additional plugins and extensions?


    avril 4, 2013
  153. Impressive. I’m not even going to bother « upgrading » my old-school separate shopping cart. I’m going to just switch to this.

    avril 11, 2013
  154. Still no COST field though? Don’t store owners need to keep track of the COST of their products?

    avril 14, 2013
  155. The new product sorting feature with menu order has a bug. On the front end, even though default sorting is selected, the menu order does not take effect. You have to click on another sorting type such as price, let the page load, then re select default sorting. Once you are at this url /shop/?orderby=menu_order the product sorting by menu order now works… So id say this feature needs fixed.

    avril 17, 2013
  156. Hey guys, please take a look at the product sorting code. Menus are broken, secondary pictures (like different colors and such) won’t show, and we’re getting a lot of php error codes thrown at us all throughout.


    avril 27, 2013
  157. Hi Guys!! And thanks for all you do!! I tried to submit a ticket and it wouldn’t submit even though all the fields that were required had information in them…

    My client saw that there was an update available and updated the store (Lovely, I know) not the product description text is white. I saw it mentioned earlier but he was told to submit a ticket. Any help is appreciated.

    mai 2, 2013

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