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Ultimate Payment Plans for WooCommerce

A complete WooCommerce Deposits or Payment Plans system. Allows easy to configure deposits or flexible payment plans for your customers on your WooCommerce Store.

  • Add an easy-to-use, feature-rich ultimate payment plans system for configuring, creating and managing deposits or payment plans on your WooCommerce Shop.
  • Easy to track and manage all payment plan orders in a single place.
  • Easily increases the site revenue and customer attraction towards the site.
  • You can run deposits, down payment, upfront payment, layaway, payment plan, installment payments, partial payments, variable payments, fixed payments, etc.

Offer Customers the Option to Pay using Payment Plans and Settle the Remaining Balance Later.

Boost customer loyalty with the Ultimate Payment Plans plugin, allowing your customers to split their payments, pay a deposit upfront, and settle the balance later using custom payment schedules with days, weeks, months or years. Site admin can manage their payment plans for individual products with better flexibility.

This powerful extension supports Automatic Payments via WooCommerce Stripe.


  • Config payment plans using rules, storewide & productwide settings.
  • Config payment plans either optional or mandatory using rules.
  • Create payment plans using fixed price & fixed date.
  • Supports automatic payments via WooCommerce Stripe.
  • Supports automatic payments via Reward Gateway (requires Add-on for WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin). [New]
  • Supports manual payments via any WooCommerce supported payment gateways.
  • Supports email reminders for automatic and manual payments.
  • Future payment orders will be generated on initial payment itself.
  • Customers can pay their future payments anytime via My account page.
  • Customers can apply WooCommerce coupons for the whole order, not just the initial amount.
  • Guests can place payment plan orders without having an account
  • Site admin can create custom email reminder templates.
  • Site admin can export plan order in CSV format.
  • Site admin can calculate payment plans based on regular / sale price. [New]
  • Site admin can allow coupon usage in cart / checkout.
  • Site admin can allow mixed checkout.
  • Site admin can force guests to create an account during classic checkout.
  • Site admin can grant downloadable content access either after initial payment / final payment.
  • Site admin can disable payment plans by user roles.
  • Site admin can disable specific payment gateways when the cart contains payment plans.
  • Site admin can restrict payment plans by specific countries. [New]
  • Site admin can change payment plan order statuses in bulk.
  • Site admin can filter payment plan orders using payment method.
  • Site admin can easily track customers placed payment plan orders.
  • Site admin can test custom email reminder templates instantly by sending email. [New]
  • Site admin can manually process scheduled payments. [New]
  • Site admin can manually retry failed payment. [New]
  • Setup custom email reminder templates to send different email content for various reminder intervals for their customers. 
  • Customer placed payment plan orders can be viewed on their Account page under the separate menu.
  • Separate emails are provided for payment plans.


  1. Easy to track and manage all the plan orders in a single place.
  2. Potentially increases site admin revenue.
  3. Lure new customers.
  4. Easily customizable.
  5. Increases customer satisfaction.
  6. Reduces admin workload while using Automatic Payments.
  7. Customers never miss their due payment while using email reminders.
  8. Custom email reminder templates for your customers.

Why do you need Ultimate Payment Plans?

By default, site admin not able to create payment plans for the WooCommerce products and hence only option for the customers to purchase their products with the full price. This will reduce the customers satisfaction towards the purchase, in turn impact the site sales. The solution is Ultimate Payment Plans. By using this, customers can easily purchase their product as flexible and variable installment payments which ultimately reduces cart abandonment.

How does it Work?

Payment Plan Creation

Initially create the payment plan using custom schedules for your customers as below,

Payment Plans 

Payment Plans give customers the option to pay a down payment and the remaining payments at a later date, dividing payments into multiple parts over time. This would be similar to deposits, down payment, upfront payment, layaway, payment plan, installment payments, partial payments, variable payments, fixed payments, etc. Below you have a list of payment plans created for your customers.

Configure Payment Plans using Rules 

After payment plans are created successfully from the above, choose to configure payment plans based on rules as below. In order to show payment plan options for your customers, at least 1 rule must be created.

Rules List

Here you can create a list of rules to show payment plan options for your customers.

Payment Plans in Single Product Page

Customers can choose their payment plans on the single product page as below,

Payment Plan in Cart Page

After adding the payment plan in the cart page, customers can see the detailed information about their future payments as below,

Payment Plan in Checkout Page

Placing the payment plan order as below,

Purchased Payment Plans in My Account Page

After the customer places their payment plan order, they can track it under My account > Plan Orders page as below,

Purchased Payment Plan Details

Here the customer can see the detailed information about their payment scheduled details.  

Manage Purchased Payment Plans by Site Admin

Site admin can track their customers’ purchased payment plan orders easily here.

Edit Purchased Payment Plan Individually

Site admin can view / edit the detailed information about the customer’s payment scheduled details.  

Emails Provided

Emails can be sent to the customers and store owners for all the payment plan activities.

Export Purchased Payment Plans

Site admin can easily export their customers’ plan orders via CSV file for their record.

Custom Reminder Emails

Site admin can configure and send custom email content for various reminder intervals configured for their customers.

Custom Email Reminder Template Creation

Site admin can easily create customized email reminder templates for Manual and Automatic payments as below,

Custom Email Reminder Templates

After the custom email reminder templates are created, it will be listed here.

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